#1 Must Have
Friday, September 12, 2014

What's that? I have a new outfit post on this blog? WHAT?!
I know, right? If you noticed, I'm back in the blogging mood. I've got a little bit more time on my hands these days, and it's cooling down so it's not as uncomfortable to sit in my house during the day and write. Plus, my pals Lana and Lindsay and I got together for a lady date yesterday afternoon in Tacoma (you probably recognize this wall). And before we went to Red Hot for some fancy shmancy hot dogs, we took some outfit photos!

I gave this post the title "#1 Must Have" for several reasons.
1.) Denim.
2.) Booties.
3.) Dark lipstick
4.) Sleater-Kinney
I've been really into Riot Grrl music over the last month, and actually made a whole feminist anthem playlist for my YouTube channel and on 8Tracks. Because of that, I've been working with a Olympia-circa-1997 style and attitude, but a bit more modern.

So while I'm rocking my favorite denim jacket and my new OCC Lip Tar in Pagan for the super 90s touch, the simple maxi dress updates it for 2014.

Seriously, aren't maxi dresses amazing? You can wear them in 100-degree weather and 50-degree weather - just depending on what you accessorize with and what kind of jacket (if any).

What is my face doing in this next photo? I don't even know. I have perpetual resting bitch face.

Also rocking the KEXP pride with my little orange pin, as well as a Ramona Falls pin that Brent Knopf gave me. He's da best.

So what are my #1 Must Haves for fall? Definitely a perfect denim jacket (you can wear it with anything, including more denim!) Next is your signature vampy lipstick. I feel like anyone can wear an almost-black lipstick, just so long as you find the right shade. It's just like red lipstick - anyone can wear it if you find your perfect shade.

You also haven't really seen me since I cut my bangs. I trimmed those things a few weeks ago and I'm quite happy with them. Now I just need to find someone to ombre my hair green. Yeah. Green. I was just so bored with the growing out process and I knew that bangs worked for me so I went for and chopped them off.

Dress: Target || Jacket: Thrifted || Hat: H&M || Booties: Thrifted || Necklace: Kohl's || Lipstick: OCC Lip Tar Pagan || Nails: Essie Merino Cool

I'll be back more often now with more outfits, I promise. Lana is starting her blog, so naturally, we'll have to meet up and shoot somewhere.
Check out the original song by Sleater-Kinney here.
What are your #1 must haves for fall?
Is the Lip Tar actually a very dark blue-purple?