NEW IN: Converse + Ten Hundred

So I bought a pair of shoes the other day. They're pretty sweet, right?
I saw Seattle Met post an article about the collaboration of local artist Ten Hundred with Converse a couple weeks ago, and I thought - hey way a minute I know that name! Ten Hundred actually designed the new logo for the music blog I write for, Back Beat Seattle. Small world.
Also come to find out that Ten Hundred is also known at P Smoov, a local musician that has been in the Seattle scene for years. The world is even smaller.
So when I had some time to kill before shooting an acoustic session in Pioneer Square, I stopped at the downtown Nordstrom to check out the Converse Pop-Up shop to see if they had any pairs of Ten Hundred's handpainted shoes left.
Turned out, they had plenty left! So I picked up a pair, not only because they're freaking rad, but also because I love supporting local artists. I'll just have to find some water repellent shoe protector spray to coat these bad boys so I can show them off with a pair of jeans.
Seriously how awesome are these?

If you like Ten Hundred's designs, you can check out his online shop for shirts and framed artwork.

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1 comment:

  1. These really are seriously rad. I've always liked Converse (though I rarely wear them anymore) they will have a special place in my heart.

    Always support the locals!
