NEW IN: Mac Painterly Pro Longwear Paint Pot
Monday, February 17, 2014
Ever since I started wearing makeup for real, I've used one eyeshadow primer, and that primer is the Urban Decay Primer Potion. I've loved it since the beginning, but it's also been almost 4 years since I started using the stuff. My current tube is probably expired, so I felt like trying out something different as a base. Thus, this pot of Mac Painterly came into my possession.
I feel like Painterly is one of those cult favorites for the mere fact that it works for so many different things. It helps to brighten and intensify eyeshadows for darker skinned girls, evens out eyelid discoloration on pale girls, and it just helps shadows last longer.
I'm not entirely sure why they relaunched it as "pro longwear," and I honestly don't know if anything is different about the formula.
I've used it both as a base for shadows, and as an eyeshadow by itself. It's a great nude shadow for dramatic winged eyeliner looks when you want to go super mod.
Painterly is definitely more cool toned, where the warm-toned counterpart is Soft Ochre. So if you're yellow-toned, or have a lot of purple tones on your lids that you want to counteract, try out Soft Ochre. But for now, I love Painterly. No wonder it's a cult favorite.
Have you used Painterly before? What's your favorite eyeshadow base/primer?
I love this post! You should try bare study! its an awesome colour :)
urban decay primer potion never worked that well for me sadly, but the maybelline color tattoo cream eyeshadows make amazing bases! they don't have any matte neutral shades (which totally sucks) but they make my eyeshadow last 8+ hours!