Make It Easy
Tuesday, April 1, 2014

This has nothing to do with April Fools Day. But this has everything to do with making life easy - whether it's your makeup, your outfit, your job, or anything else that comes your way. I'm not saying to take the easy way out, but I'm saying to not over think things. I tend to do that a lot, but I've found recently with my outfits most apparently - I want a no muss no fuss life.
And what's the best kind of no muss no fuss outfit? Denim shorts and a sweater.

Granted, I added some tights and sparkly oxfords because it's not quite warm enough for shorts alone yet. It may be April, but don't let the sun fool you.

I don't know what has gotten into my recently, it might be the whiskey, but I've been trying to be more impulsive. More spontaneous. More carefree. It's worked so far, but I haven't quite hit my comfort zone yet. It's a lot easier for me to meet people these days, and introduce myself. I still tend to hold back in saying certain things for fear of embarrassment or rejection - but hopefully that will soon change.

That was a weird tangent.

Back to my easy outfit. For the last bit of my accessories, I added a summery fedora and a simple bar necklace. The one thing I know about spring and summer fashion is that simplicity is best. You take off layers, no more scarves, no more boots. Don't wear too many pieces. Do like We Are Scientists says and "make it easy."

Sidenote: This is fourth day hair. I washed it Thursday night and these were taken on Monday. Hell yeah.

Sweater: Target // Shorts: Thrifted // Tights: Target? // Shoes: Thrifted Sam Edelman (Urban Xchange) // Hat: Target // Necklace: Urban Outfitters

And like I mentioned before, today's post comes from We Are Scientists, off their new record TV en Francais. I get to see these guys in exactly one month in Portland, and I haven't been more excited about something in a very long time. I might cry. I'll try not to, but I make no guarantees.
Yeah, I like the straw fedora. All my hats are felt or cloth--I don't know why, as hot as it gets down here for how long. But maybe I should investigate a new panama or fedora for summer.