Beach Baby

There are a few places on this earth that truly feel like home - my actual home, my grandfather's home, and this place. Point No Point has been in my family for over 50 years - my grandparents honeymooned here and took my mom and uncle here on vacation their whole lives. And naturally, my sister and I have been going there our whole lives. 
 Joined by our friend Erika, we drove out to the Point the other day. It was a bittersweet trip, to say the least.
We heard recently that the old owners of the boathouse and the surrounding structures - who had already sold the place to the state - left the whole thing in shambles. And even more recently, there was heresay of the whole thing being leveled for parking.
I like old shit. That's my thing. So when something with so much character and so many memories is thrown away, it makes me really sad.
This is literally all that's left of the boat launch and dock. It's like walking through a ghost town.
Several old cabins are now lined with rat traps and padlocked up, with whatever remnants of life hidden behind those decaying windows and doors.
Libby and I decided to get our photo taken in front of the old cafe that the former owner used to live in the upstairs. It's such a beautiful old building and such a beautiful beach - my mom and uncle told him multiple times that they would buy it from him and run the place, but he never took them up on the offer. Now it's come to this.
I love this old beach. We spent so many summers here when I was a kid - and at least the lighthouse will remain and they obviously can't get rid of a beach, but the cabins and boathouse is what gives Point No Point its character.
I also couldn't resist having Lib take a couple shots of my outfit. I like it a lot, and did an outfit video on my YouTube account if you want to see where I got everything.
I really hope they don't level this place. What would it take to get the state to not do it, you think? I don't think anything can be done, but I'm going to get all I can out of this place that I can before the inevitable happens.

The title reference is a Bon Iver song, by the way. 

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1 comment:

  1. Point Lookout and Point Lookin;
    Point No Point and Point Again.

    --old Maryland waterman's rhyme
