LIFE LATELY: Lush, Cyndi Lauper, and LOVE FOR ALL.
Wednesday, June 26, 2013
This post has been sitting in my drafts folder for almost a week and I haven't had the time or energy to sit down and write it. But today was so exciting I couldn't not sit down and write something about it.
Today is groundbreaking. Today is historical. Today is awesome.
The Defense of Marriage Act, or DOMA, has died. Proposition 8 has been deemed unconstitutional. And Wendy Davis - a senator from Texas - spearheaded the longest filibuster in recent history over a bill that would make abortion illegal after 20 weeks and effectively shut down all the abortion clinics in Texas. After a confusing and chaotic ending to the 13-hour filibuster, she won her fight, in a bit of a roundabout way, but still.
I can't describe the feeling this morning, knowing that so many landmark moments happened in one day. And to top it all off, Mary Lambert, the pretty lady who sings on Macklemore's "Same Love," performed on New Day Northwest this morning and gave me chills. I just want to be her best friend, seriously.
It is moments like this that made me wish I lived in Seattle and could rejoice in things like this with friends in a proper way. You don't get people cheering for such things and holding signs (other than impeach Obama) here in Gig Harbor. It just doesn't happen.
In other news, I've been working at Lush for a couple weeks now and I absolutely love it. I love my coworkers, I love the products, I love the job. Sure, the commute is shitty and I missed all of Noise For the Needy last weekend (including the whole afternoon show at the Hattie's Hat parking lot that Kris Orlowski headlined), but I love being a Lushie. It's kind of weird telling people that I give hand treatments all day, but my hands are so soft at the end of the day, you don't even know. I even have had a couple subscribers come into my store! One actually took a picture with me, and embarrassed her friend in the process. It was adorable.
The last important tidbit - Cyndi Lauper. My pal Lana and I went to go see her at the Pantages Theater in Tacoma the weekend before last. I literally didn't find out about it until a week before the show, and requested for it thinking I wouldn't get it. Much to my surprise - I did get a photo pass!
The show started out a little weird, which Cyndi fussing with her microphone pretty much all the way through "Girls Just Wanna Have Fun," but once the technical difficulties stopped, but fun jump-started itself. The crowd was basically me, Lana, middle-aged ladies in crazy 80s outfits, and old gay men. I would have to say though, my favorite part of the show was her stories. She talks about celebrities like she isn't one herself, and it's adorable.
So that's what I've been up to lately. I was meaning to post a recipe coming up soon but I accidentally deleted the photos off my camera before uploading them. I'll definitely re-do the photos soon and it will happen. Not sure when, but it will.
I hope you all have had a lovely week so far, and I'll be back soon with more posts, I PROMISE!
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